Within tech, I’m mostly interested AI engineering, back-end development and entrepreneurship. Outside it I enjoy making music and writing and am avidly into the curiously specific genre of English Language XIX Century literature. Currently based in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
I obtained my MS in Computer Science from the Univerity of Buenos Aires (UBA). Having developed a strong interest in AI and Computer Vision in particular, I enrolled in a research internship with the Computer Vision and Image Processing Research Group (GRUPIVIS) of my school’s Computer Science Department. In my work with this group I also completed my MS thesis, presenting a novel comparative analysis of implicit 3D surface reconstruction algorithms and deriving a new one with interesting properties. I also worked on several other AI and computer vision projects during those years, including a hand-tracking-based musical instrument and a dramatically optimized version of its core tracking algorithm (see Shai Bianchi entry) using x86 Assembly SIMD instructions.
Following graduation, I gravitated towards working in startups that were taking on challenging AI-based projects and worked in a few of them covering different industries and AI or AI-related technologies including rule-based AI algorithms, computer vision and ML Ops.